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NVI-Research -

R&D Center of the

NVI Group of Companies

We develop industrial recognition systems using the latest scientific advances in the field of computer vision
NVI-Research Source of Expertise

We develop products for automating

visual information processing

using machine learning

Unique methods of video analytics and AI machine learning
Innovative products for automating visual information processing using cutting-edge technologies
Our products and solutions for real-world industrial sites in Russia and abroad
[engineers and scientists]
[PhD candidates]
[Doctors of science]
[scientific publications]


advanced technologies

[Synthetic data laboratory]
We create synthetic data and prepare our own datasets to improve the accuracy of neural networks in environments where target events are scarce.
A software module for high-speed neural network playback, enabling the effective use of compact, low-power server equipment in industrial environments
[Data annotation tools]
A set of tools for annotating datasets, enabling the preparation of 100+ days of video stream data in just a few hours.

Model for creating

and supporting


Data collection
and business request
[1 week]
[2-3 weeks]
Data annotation
and model training
[1-2 months]
[2-3 months]
Transition to support
and debuggin
[2 months]
Area of Expertise

Our in-house R&D department

enables us to elevate the quality

of video analytics to a new level

The recognition core is written in C++

Neural networks are integrated into streaming recognition systems.

Computational resources are distributed among neural networks.
Rapid development
of unique markers
3D modeling of synthetic data with high resulting quality for neural network trainingIntelligent data pre-annotation system.
Low false
positive rate
Our neural network already performs self-validation on annotated datasets.

By training simultaneously on real and synthetic data, accuracy can approach 100%.
owl.guard+ Series




Video analytics module for monitoring well sites
A specialized scenario module used in oil and gas fields for monitoring personnel behavior and the condition of technological equipment during oil and gas extraction.

owl.Wellpad includes 9 unique scenarios aimed at ensuring personnel safety during loading and unloading operations, as well as detecting leaks in Manifold unit, GCU (gas control unit), collector, and wellhead equipment.
Integrated with the owl.Guard+ software suite:

1.Web interface
2. Audible alerts

Supplied with the owl.Base module
1. Detection of hot work and the presence of safety cones around the work area.

2. Detection of well fluid leaks.

3.Identification of personnel in restricted areas—such as walking through isolation zones, climbing on cable racks, or interacting with wellhead equipment.


Universal video analytics module for monitoring Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
A versatile base module used across various industrial sectors.

It includes 7 standard scenarios related to monitoring personnel, PPE, hazardous areas, fire, and smoke detection.
Integrated with the owl.Guard+ software suite:

1. Web interface
2. Audible alerts
3. Analytics
4. Reports

Available as a standalone package, as well as bundled with specialized modules from the Guard series.
1. PPE Detection

2. Fire and Smoke Detection

3. Hazardous Area Detection


Video analytics module for monitoring workover rigs
The owl.Workover module is designed for monitoring personnel behavior and the condition of technological equipment during ongoing well workovers.

owl.Workover includes 7 unique scenarios that detect the presence of wellhead equipment, ensure correct installation of equipment components, and monitor blowout preventer equipment to ensure well sealing.
Integrated with the owl.Guard+ software suite:

1. Web interface
2. Audible alerts
3. Analytics
4. Reports

Supplied with the owl.Base module
1. Detection of personnel under the movement of tubing from reception platforms during well servicing operations.

2. Detection of personnel under load during workover operations.

3. Detection of safety compliance when working with hydraulic tong


Video analytics module for monitoring drilling operations
A specialized scenario module used on drilling rigs. It analyzes scenes both inside the drilling rig and in the external production area, including reception platforms.

owl.Drill includes 20+ unique scenarios aimed at ensuring personnel safety, monitoring equipment performance, and overseeing contractor activities during drilling. It detects the position of the derrickman or personnel on the reception platforms or at the edge of the rotary table, and monitors changes in the speeds of the drawworks and BHA.
Integrated with the owl.Guard+ software:

1. Web interface
2. Audible alerts
3. Analytics
4. Reports

Supplied with the owl.Base module
1. Detection of personnel within 2 meters of the edge of the rotary table.

2. Detection of an unfastened safety harness.

3. Detection of personnel in hazardous areas on the platforms during pipe lifting operations.
Video analytics module for monitoring well sites

A specialized scenario module used in oil and gas fields for monitoring personnel behavior and the condition of technological equipment during oil and gas extraction.

owl.Wellpad includes 9 unique scenarios aimed at ensuring personnel safety during loading and unloading operations, as well as detecting leaks in Manifold unit, GCU (gas control unit), collector, and wellhead equipment.


Integrated with the owl.Guard+ software suite:

1. Web interface
2. Audible alerts
3. Analytics
4. Reports

Supplied with the owl.Base module

1. Detection of hot work and the presence of safety cones around the work area.

2.Detection of well fluid leaks.

3. Identification of personnel in restricted areas—such as walking through isolation zones, climbing on cable racks, or interacting with wellhead equipment.

Universal video analytics module for monitoring Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

A versatile base module used across various industrial sectors.

It includes 7 standard scenarios related to monitoring personnel, PPE, hazardous areas, fire, and smoke detection.


Integrated with the owl.Guard+ software suite:

1. Web interface
2. Audible alerts
3. Analytics
4. Reports

Available as a standalone package, as well as bundled with specialized modules from the Guard series.

1. PPE detection

2. Fire and smoke detection

3. Hazardous area detection

Video analytics module for monitoring workover rigs

The owl.Workover module is designed for monitoring personnel behavior and the condition of technological equipment during ongoing well workovers.

owl.Workover includes 7 unique scenarios that detect the presence of wellhead equipment, ensure correct installation of equipment components, and monitor blowout preventer equipment to ensure well sealing.


Integrated with the owl.Guard+ software suite:

1. Web interface
2. Audible alerts
3. Analytics

Supplied with the owl.Base module

1. Detection of personnel under the movement of tubing from reception platforms during well servicing operations.

2. Detection of personnel under load during workover operations.

3. Detection of safety compliance when working with hydraulic tong

Video analytics module for monitoring drilling operations

A specialized scenario module used on drilling rigs. It analyzes scenes both inside the drilling rig and in the external production area, including reception platforms.

owl.Drill includes 20+ unique scenarios aimed at ensuring personnel safety, monitoring equipment performance, and overseeing contractor activities during drilling. It detects the position of the derrickman or personnel on the reception platforms or at the edge of the rotary table, and monitors changes in the speeds of the drawworks and BHA.


Integrated with the owl.Guard+ software:

1. Web interface
2. Audible alerts
3. Analytics
4. Reports

Supplied with the owl.Base module

1. Detection of personnel within 2 meters of the edge of the rotary table.

2. Detection of an unfastened safety harness.

3.  Detection of personnel in hazardous areas on the platforms during pipe lifting operations.

продукты группы компаний NVI
NVI Group of Companies products
owl.Guard +

1. Provides transparent and unbiased statistics about activities at the enterprise.

2. Effective tool for locating "interesting" video segments within large data archives.

3. Enhances workplace discipline and reduces the risk of occupational injuries and fatalities.

4. Extends the lifespan of technological equipment.

5. Reduces the risk of industrial accidents.

6. Decreases production downtime.

7. Enables prompt decision-making.

1. Засыпание водителя

2. Отвлечение от дороги

3. Курение за рулем

4. Разговор по телефону

5. Непристёгнутый ремень безопасности

6. Саботаж камеры

7. Фиксация событий при отсутствии связи с удаленным сервером

8. Контроль полосы движения

9. Контроль опасных сближений


A set of methods for effectively analyzing large volumes of retrospective (historical) video data.

1. Supports both automated AI-based detection modules and manual annotation by taggers searching for target events.

2. Generates detailed reports with customizable format and content.

3. Supports generating and uploading short video clips of violations to a separate cloud server.

1.Engine for integration with AI modules for processing video archives.

2. Program for dynamic task distribution in real-time when working with "manual" expert taggers.

3. Dual verification system for detected events.

4. Integration with cloud storage for storing and providing reporting statistics and violation video clips.

1. Detection of operations associated with the risk of gas blowouts and identification of blowout signs.

2. Detection of violations during loading and unloading operations.

3. Detection of hazardous areas and identification of personnel at heights.

4. Detection of violations during technological operations.

5. Detection of fire and smoke.

6. Detection of PPE violations.

7. Detection of vehicles.

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In-Cab Video Analytics

An intelligent system for driver monitoring:

1. Ready-made expert solutions in transport safety, providing comprehensive monitoring of driver actions and indicating safety violations.

2. Alerts for speed (speeding, excessive stopping time, rapid acceleration/braking, engine RPM violations).

1. Dashcam

2. Driver monitoring camera

3. In-cab overview camera

4. SD card in a specialized format

1. Driver drowsiness

2. Distraction from the road

3. Smoking while driving

4. Phone use while driving

5. Unfastened seatbelt

6. Camera tampering

7. Event recording when offline from the remote server

8. Lane monitoring

9. Monitoring dangerous proximity

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A versatile network API for deploying optical document recognition services on the client side.

1. A wide range of practical tasks for automating remote customer service processes.

2. Document recognition software modules for mobile applications, server-side, and front-office solutions.

1. Core document image recognition engine

2. Documented API

1. Recognition of ID documents.

2. Recognition of credit card numbers, MRZ (Machine Readable Zone), barcodes (QR, AZTEC, etc.)

3. Recognition of standard A4 documents.

4. Facial recognition in documents.

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A geographic information system designed for collecting, processing, analyzing, and storing data from industrial sites in real time.

1. Collects data from corporate and technological information systems in real time.

2. Automates analytical and management tasks.

3. Displays cartographic materials in 3D, including detailed 3D models of various objects.

4. Handles spatial data with unlimited geographic coverage and content.

1. Cartographic core

2. Web interface

3. Analytics and visualization system

4. Integration with distributed database showcases

1. Visualization of cartographic materials in 3D, including detailed 3D models of various objects.

2. Visualization of personnel monitoring.

3. Visualization of vehicle tracking.

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Software modules for recognition:

1. Vehicle license plates

2. Equipment numbers for mobile applications and server solutions

3. A set of tools for creating recognition software systems (SDK)

1. License plate detection subsystem

2. License plate recognition subsystem

1. Recognition of vehicle license plates

2. Recognition of wagon numbers

3. Recognition of equipment numbers

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owl.Tag + Anchor

A hardware-software complex for personnel positioning at industrial sites within LoRaWAN and UWB network coverage:

1. Monitors personnel location at client sites (both outdoor areas and indoor spaces)

2. Monitors personnel activity and health status

3. Monitors personnel location at client sites (both outdoor areas and indoor spaces)

4. Indoor positioning (up to 30 cm accuracy)

1. Wearable devices:  
- UWB Tag 
- Wristband (optional)

2. Outdoor positioning equipment — LoRaWAN stations

3. Indoor positioning equipment

4. Specialized software

5. Server equipment

1. Determining personnel location on site

2. Monitoring personnel activity

3. Monitoring personnel health status

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